Transportation is available to older adults 60 & over with no other means of getting to their destination. Older Adults will need to contact Iredell County Council on Aging to complete a registration form. Transportation is available to medical appointments, human service agencies, hair appointments, shopping, and the nutrition sites.
Drivers can only wait for a passenger up to 5 minutes after arriving for pick up. If a passenger will not be ready for the scheduled pick-up, the passenger should call the dispatch office 2 hours prior to pickup. Drivers are not allowed to enter private homes, apartments, doctors' offices, grocery stores, office buildings, etc. to look for passengers or notify them of the van's arrival.
If the trip is authorized by Iredell County Council on Aging then there is not a charge for the service, but donations are gladly accepted.
After being signed up for the service: Senior trips may be scheduled by calling Iredell Council on Aging at (704) 873-5171 between 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Monday - Friday. Trips may be scheduled one month in advance, and are required to be scheduled 48 hours in advance. Drivers are not allowed to take reservations from passengers.
If a passenger cannot take a scheduled trip, the passenger must call 2 hours before their pick-up time to cancel. Trips before 8:00 am must be canceled the day before. Passengers are encouraged to cancel their reservation as soon as they know a trip will not be taken. Voice mail service is available after hours, on weekends and on holidays. If a passenger elects not to take a trip or fails to cancel the trip less than the requested 2 hours before the pick-up time, a 'no-show' trip is recorded. Three 'no-show' trips will result in a suspension of services.
If a trip is scheduled and the return time is not known, ICATS will schedule a will-call pick up. Upon completion of the trip, the passenger needs to call and request a return trip. In these cases, ICATS will send the next available vehicle and ask that passengers remain at the pickup location.