Iredell Council On Aging Senior Nutrition Program helps meet the nutritional needs of older adults in Iredell County.

Monthly Menu

Congregate Meals

Meals are served to older adults Monday through Friday at congregate (group) sites.  Over 100 participants enjoy activities, fellowship, and a hot, lunch-time meal.  

The program hours are 9:30 am -12:30 pm. A hot meal is served at 11:00 am.

The activities start at 10:00 am. Each day is something different. Bingo, Devotions, Arts & Crafts, Guest Speakers, Senior Exercises, Scheduled Blood Pressure Checks…just to name a few.

You are welcome to drive to the program or we can arrange for the senior’s nutrition van to pick you up

Meals are based on donations only. If you can make a donation, it helps purchase a meal for someone else. No one is ever turned down because of not making contributions.

Home Delivered Meals

Home-delivered meals are available in Mooresville, Statesville, and Harmony within the serving area.

Clients must be homebound because of a physical or mental condition except for medical appointments. They must live alone or not have anyone in the home who is willing or able to prepare meals.

Volunteers deliver the meals Monday thru Friday.  

Congregate (group) Meal Sites

Central United Methodist Church

Central United Methodist Church

214 Academy Street

Mooresville, NC 28115


Harmony United Methodist Church

136 W. Memorial Hwy.

Harmony, NC


Summit Village Community Center

1353 Pearl Street

Statesville, NC


Troutman Baptist Church

305 Perry Road

Troutman, NC
